The Training Triangle
The best training is built upon the foundation of three equal components: hard skills, soft skills, and active mental training. Learn how you can put all three of these vital elements to work for you so your training gives you the best results you can get.
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Pre-Emptive Self Defense Part 1
There are several components or evolutions of pre-emptive self-defense. Some are so obvious they could be called just plain common sense.
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Using the laws of nature in your favor, and against the bad guy, give you the advantages you need to survive even when the odds are against you. When you are reduced to survival fighting, it's your instincts that make all the difference in the world.
The post INSTINCTUAL TRIGGERS appeared first on The Guardian Shepherd.
Developing the Power Punch
It's all about physics, body mechanics, and mental intensity. I break down all the components so you can develop true knockout power.
The post Developing the Power Punch appeared first on The Guardian Shepherd.